One piece 海賊王

很多時候我都會因為自己喜歡的事情而耽誤我的工作什麼的,雖然我知道這樣是不好的,但是我就是控制不住自己,就拿我很喜歡看One piece 海賊王來說吧,雖然我知道我還有更加重要的事情要去做,但是我要是沒有把我想要看的One piece 海賊王看完的話,那麼我的工作都做不好,雖然這樣自己像是個孩子一樣,但是我還是控制不住自己的情緒什麼的,所以說我在想,是不是要好好看看到底One piece 海賊王有什麼魅力,讓我癡迷成了這個樣子。



laser printer

Did not expect to buy a laser printer in my house really good, my husband said I picked laser printer is really good, he is very convenient to use them, I say you like good, in fact, I myself am do not like to buy those machines, because I do not know much about those, because I bought a laser printer also see a lot of people say that this machine is very good, so I bought, would have been no reported great hope, but the result is good, I was very happy, sometimes I do recognized someone, then I was very happy, never mind my own many times more than other people happy of it.


There are many home gundam toys are collected by my husband, he is very fond of this anime gundam, so that you collect a lot, in fact, started to tell the truth and he knew when I was very stand him collect so multi gundam toy hobby, but then I also feel there is no, and the man, after all, is to have their own preferences, and he is still going to be more understanding he can do, but sometimes you still have to look at criticism his behavior, nor too indulge himself, otherwise he does not know what will happen, I think they have such thoughts have nothing bad, but they say you think too much.



Pool Furniture

To go to a lot of shopping malls to feel or my husband and I and our last visit the set of Pool Furniture better, then I and husband to discuss it, or forget to inside the home decoration into the Pool Furniture well, our house decoration is almost up, he sent some furniture now, when the weekend my husband and I together go shopping for a long time, read a lot of furniture and then we compare the feeling or the last time that time we go shopping to see when the the Pool, Furniture better, and we now decoration style is also very match, at a glance can feel high-end atmospheric grade now, so I and husband to discuss it, we’ll pretend to be Pool Furniture.





台湾 凤梨酥

从来都不会觉得台湾 凤梨酥好吃,不过这是之前我自己的想法,那次我朋友在我不知情的情况下让我吃台湾 凤梨酥,我吃了之后说这个东西怎么这么好吃呀,她说就是你一直说不好吃的台湾 凤梨酥,那个时候我都不知道该说什么好了,好像记忆之中我自己是很喜欢吃那种比较有特色的东西的,但是我妈妈好像给我说过台湾 凤梨酥不好吃,所以说我就一直觉得是那样子的,看来好不好吃是要自己亲自去实践的,不然的话你自己是会错过很多美味的东西的,这样的话自己就很吃亏的。

Wedding Planner Singapore

I looked at the wedding venue, feeling really good, I heard that this place is Wedding Planner Singapore, had to before the marriage a month ordered local should be, did not expect the results of married people so much, basically what the hotel has been booked the difference is not much, those places can the reservation is not very good, just Wedding Planner Singapore they say can help us to contact a good wedding place, then please them. The Wedding Planner Singapore is my friend helped me, they said they will prepare the wedding is really very troublesome thing, but not the experience to do so many things can not think of, or gave them to deal with, now it seems this decision really on.