Trend Micro

我能來到這個Trend Micro公司裡面上班,我真的是太開心了,我覺得我能找到這樣的一份工作,真的是挺不容易的,所以我是一定要好好的努力做好這份工作的。我也是剛從學校裡面畢業,我一直很怕我這樣的專業找不到適合的工作呢,後來我有一個朋友說是,他聽說是這個Trend Micro裡面招人呢,他說是讓我可以到這個Trend Micro公司裡面去看一下的,我後來就到這個Trend Micro公司裡面去看了一下,他們就是有招聘信息的,我就面試了一下,還真的是被錄取了,所以我怎麼可能是不開心了,我也是要感謝朋友的,要不是他告訴我這個的話,我也是沒有這麼的幸運的。





CCTV Condo

The last time I went to a restaurant to eat, the vast go a bit to forget the keys inside, to the house I think of it, no way had to go back on the road again, I still want to go after is can’t find what to do but people inside the shop the installation of CCTV Condo, or I really can not find your keys, they directly through the CCTV Condo to see my keys by their staff away, directly on the studio, ha ha, when somebody else that staff also just work, if not the CCTV Condo estimate have a question who see my key without it.

台北 太陽餅

早餐吃的台北 太陽餅其實我覺得還是不錯的事情,因為我對於我自己喜歡吃的東西,我吃很多我也不會厭倦,但是我有的時候還是會覺得,是不是我對那些吃的東西還不怎麼熟悉呢,所以說才會有那樣的感覺,吃的台北 太陽餅其實我自己會有一種特別滿足的感覺,也不知道我男朋友會不會習慣我那麼喜歡吃台北 太陽餅的那種行為,我自己是那種做事情有我自己的打算和規劃的人,我覺得我自己可以做的很好的話,我自己會一直去做,但是有的時候我還是會擔心一些事情。





International Schools in Singapore

Watching the children go to school, but I also didn’t give him a choice of good schools, but we also just arrived in Singapore, I do not know which school is better, which is convenient for me to carry children, so, I feel better, then I look online, you we live in this neighborhood, there is a International Schools in Singapore, I looked at the people on the International Schools in Singapore evaluation is very high, so I think, or let the children go to the International Schools in Singapore inside the school, it’s too late to go to another school. But I think everyone said yes, then the International Schools in Singapore is certainly very good, so I decided to let the children in International Schools in Singapore went to school.

CA Human Resource

以前在學校的時候我也就學的是這個人力資源的,所以出來以后我當然想的是能在這個CA Human Resource 工作了,因為這個CA Human Resource 公司就是我們這些畢業生最向往的地方呢,因為都說是這個CA Human Resource 特別的不錯的,我當時也是有聽說過的,就知道這家CA Human Resource 公司是特別的厲害的,這次來面試我也還是很忐忑的,沒有想到也還是成功了,這對我來說就真的是太棒了,我就相信以后我只要好好的工作就沒有什麽事情成不了的,我會努力學習讓自己變的更好,也能做的很好。

threat defense

I can not say my friend gave me a threat recommended by defense is simply too powerful, I used that many things can never see what kind of effect can be so good, if not personally use found such a good effect, my heart is true can’t believe, give me my friend when I recommend this one threat defense I also do not believe that my friend gave me the results so good, but now I have to believe, but I also believe that as long as it is used that a threat defense WHO estimates will also can’t help. And I praise this threat defense good, ha ha, there is no way that good things should let all people know.