I have finally come to an English apart from everywhere Viewed in addition to ready to buy a lot of gifts go back, I remember my sister said she wanted birkin, so to help her buy one, do not know her if she liked this style , give mom and Dad also bought a lot of things too, but the most expensive thing to my sister’s birkin, but Hermes basically more expensive thing. However, in the UK but the price a little lower than the domestic buy it, I believe it is, after all, to add so much of the tariff, the price will certainly be a little higher, in fact, these are does not matter, there’s still afraid to spend money to buy birkin this little bit of money?
study in UK
I heard the little girl just arrived people still study in UK back then, no wonder one directly to the company is the manager’s assistant, do not know what can be the end of skill, although study in UK are really terrific, but said ability to work, then it is another matter, but I think that little girl looks quite dynamic, should not the kind of person you want to goof it, and study in UK, then certainly very good English, they rely on these many things should have relatively little done Come on, for example, translate some English contracts with foreign companies and the like, my English is very broken, so no contacts also do not know how it, in short, I’m really quite optimistic that a lady’s.
台北 五星酒店
终于到台北 五星酒店了,我早上从家里出发经过了十几个小时的时间,现在终于能在台北 五星酒店好好休息一晚了,本来今天去约见客户的并不是我,但是同事临时有事所以我就替他做了。陪着客户到台北 五星酒店是我那位同事事先嘱咐我的,他说公司一般都会把去台北的客户安排在台北 五星酒店入住,所以我就提前在酒店订好了房间,这位客户是一位年纪比较大的女士,所以我特意订了一间靠里面的比较安静的房间,如果比较靠近街道的话,可能晚上就有点吵了。
Bachelor degree
I have heard that people give me about a girl is Bachelor degree, so I am also quite satisfactory, from the beginning I am looking for a similar degree, Bachelor degree on the very good, although my former girlfriend is also very gentle, but she no higher education experience is not deep, so although very sweet with her, but many times I felt like she did not have a common language yet. Others say I ask too much, in fact, I did not give the other half of what their request, I think as long as there is a feeling of watching, there are common interests and language, so I met, and Bachelor degree are not particularly high requirements, it is easy to find.
kelly bag
Now those people have money to himself see the other person how uncomfortable it so much it, I really do not know how these people think psychology is, originally we are all good friends, but because of a kelly bag, but the change is the same as the enemy, one of my friends do not know how recently for my other friend is full of slander, I learn about it, and that is because my friend bought a kelly bag, I another friend felt she was, like to show off their money, so overtly or covertly, to my friends that buy kelly bag sullied, I think it’s her too much, a little kelly bag points could explain what ah, maybe something is doing strange psychological envy it.
巴厘岛 度假酒店