wedding photography

On their wedding photography in France when I’m interested in, I also want to learn a school and then come back and start my own wedding photography studio, I think that wedding photography is not just a visual thing, it is more important from the photos canwedding photography quality technology seen photographers there, if there is no connotation, that even if the clothes landscaping makeup again nice shot out to spread the goods, I firmly do not do that kind of thing, so I want to go to some of the famousthe air of the studio and then start from the lower, slowly learning some experience.



日韓 時裝

現在的人們對於時裝的衣服是越來越鐘愛了,而且對於時裝衣服的樣式還有花樣也有了不一樣的愛好,最近一段時間我聽身邊的一些朋友都說這個日韓 時裝非常的受青年朋友們的歡迎,而且這種日韓 時裝品質也很不錯,穿起來也很舒服,更加特別的是這些日韓 時裝什麽樣風格的都有,可愛型的,成熟型的,還有一些非主流的,穿在身上也很漂亮,聽她們說的這麽好,我也很心動,想趕緊去買一件這樣的衣服,也讓我感受一下這種日韓 時裝有沒有朋友們說的那麽好。



offshore company

After graduating from University, I felt lost, many, though now I’m in the offshore company do is very good, and even can be most people’s identity, but I do not know why my heart is still a bit lost, because I am now doing the work and I want to see results or deviation. In offshore companies such as company, I’ve learned a lot things you don’t understand, this point I appreciate it, but I wanted to work not now like this, so while in others it seems I was successful, but I was still a little lost.



hermes wallet

I have always wanted to buy a hermes a wallet, but we all should know, hermes wallet unlike the general kind of wallet cheap, so I intend to work hard, saved up enough money to give myself to buy a hermes wallet. But on the day of my birthday, boyfriend then gave me a birthday present, he say to make my birthday when I opened, and so I’m home again open, which is certainly a surprise, after I get home. can not wait to open a look, turned out to be a hermes wallet, I was really ecstatic, and this gift is to put it down, this is not just because a hermes a wallet, but also represents the boyfriend on a heart ah.





make up course

Daughter asked me the weekend it possible to attend her parents will, I hesitated, because I make up course weekend people, basically get away to, and are my mother to attend her parents willdo not know why today she made ​​me go, but this is my baby daughter’s request so even if there is no time I have to squeeze time to attend the make up course might be closed, it seems that parents will come back also’s busy, at least keep the students apologize to explain why, but to my classes make up course basically are housewives should be able to understand my mother’s mood.