
I want to clear and bold is to keep short like a boy’s hair, when the wind comes gently stroking my face, not afraid of chaos. The first contact of the Birkin is in the novel, presents a very cheerful girl, her character is very good, carrying a big bag Birkin, dressed casually in his jeans and mast coat, but she is still so proud in the sun laugh, as the focus of the world is all she. After seeing Birkin in every time, I always think of a scene like that, a girl, carrying a big bag, in the sun warm the whole world smile.

wedding photography

Near our community has opened a new wedding photography store, the decoration is very delicate, very emotional appeal, let a person see gutty want to take wedding photography here in the desire, and soon the store chose an auspicious day opened, the opening day, the store staff full avenue, full house the leaflets, publicity of their new store openings, of course, there are many preferential activities, let a person look very heartbeat, my sister and I both have to desire, but we are not married, not to take wedding photos ah, sister said, although people shop mainly engaged in wedding photography in this area, but they also take some picture and portrait of what ah, we can go and take a photo ah, is so right now, after I listened took sister immediately passed, has many shops inside man, we had to queue for half an hour before the turn we finished later, see their photos, the effect is really good ah.












Once I and the boyfriend, I was very angry, and ran to go shopping, watch a Birkin necklace, want not to want to buy it, I’m angry after a buy gas will disappear, with a new Birkin necklace, go to my close friend to the sweet, entered her home, she found my neck Birkin necklace, she said boyfriend., see your boyfriend for good, I said okay, necklace I bought myself, I two just quarreled, he went back home, I a person to go shopping to buy, beautiful. She glanced at me, quarrel again, you guys are not grown up, the old love quarrel, I am wronged said: I do not want to quarrel.

wedding photography

Husband and I finished wedding photography, I’m a little regret, because it’s really too bad, as the saying goes, the customer is God, but this to God? Not only the attitude of the staff is very poor, even the bosses don’t let people see, from early morning until the middle on into the night, no rest, even every move they asked, a little wrong, the photographer will loudly training us, want to have so many wedding photography, husband not to choose this house, that they colleagues go here, all I can be possessed by ghosts, believe him, went to the wedding photography, well, since you have taken too late to regret, now can only hope the pictures will be good.

場地 出租

場地 出租指的是有一個場地,沒有合適的用處,用來出租,來賺取一定的租金,可是一般像是大一點的公司都會有自己公司內的場地來用,只有一些小型的公司或者企業,為了拓展業務舉辦一些年會,就會之類的宴會,才會去選擇尋找場地 出租的地方來租用。記得,去年我們公司年會的場地應該是租用的別的公司的場地,因為沒有足夠的場地,所以出錢租用了別人的地方,不過值得慶幸是,年會辦得很成功。有的時候會選擇這樣一種方法來協助我們完成一件事情,不免為一個很好的選擇。