interior designer in singapore

The new house built, and we want to do well for decoration, so that we can live comfortably, but we want to do first before the renovation design, so that the decoration of the house may send some of it, but we don’t know where to find the appropriate design personnel, later I think of my cousin, because he is now a interior designer in Singapore, and I had seen his work, I think is very good, we have a ready-made interior designer in Singapore ah, you don’t need to look to someone else, but I think this thing to do to my cousin then, he will do very well, because in my opinion he is really a very good interior designer in singapore.




家裡好多事情都是我做主呢,這次我們決定房地產首購也是我的注意,不過我這次的決定是麼樣錯的,因為我聽我一個在房地產公司工作的朋友說是,如果我們現在不買房的話,過段時間再買的話,一定會漲價的,而且要是那個時候在辦理房地產首購的話,也是比較麻煩 的,我聽完之後 我的心裡也踏實很多了呢,於是我就趕緊給我老公說是讓他現在就去申請房地產首購,他這次也聽了我的話,說是他馬上就辦理,結果你看現在確實房價漲了好多呢,看來我的決定是對的哦!







WDA design courses

I can find such a good job now, thanks to my eyes a little better chose to study the WDA design courses, if I had to choose the other professional so I guess I will now like my other classmates, see good work to find others only envy now, it can only blame themselves when choosing a professional was not optimistic about the professional, I can choose the WDA design courses to thank my cousin at that time, if not my cousin gave me the strength of this WDA design courses recommended that I estimate himself soon resolved to choose to learn this WDA design courses, is less likely to work in such a good company.





commercial interior design singapore

Friend introduced to me a job, I am very happy, I originally wanted to direct the interview in the past, but I then wanted to think, I worried about my own ability is not enough, because I haven’t engaged in ltd. for commercial interior design singapore, so I went to my friend on the phone, let me at home in review for a period of time, if you can, after a week I will go to the company, after I listen to the friend, also feel my this method is feasible, then a week later I’ll call my friend and I said I received his offer, because I think I have the ability to receive ltd. interior design job in Singapore.