property malaysia

Malaysia is a good place, there is very beautiful, where the sky is blue, we all love to travel there, my family and I went to Malaysia to play there. Have a friend to work in the property Malaysia in this industry, I asked him how he property Malaysia recently said prospects, now is very good, I hope I can join in, and the family to play there for a few days, the family that there is a good environment, where education is also good. We bought the house, let the children go to school after here, learn about the culture, to learn where things can bring them back to their own countries, what property Malaysia really good.



certificate in teaching singapore

At first I also really did not expect to test the certificate in teaching Singapore, did not expect the results of my family is really to me is the opportunity to test the certificate in teaching Singapore then to test it, so this time I also really love. So this time, I also was a special effort to get it, but I still didn’t think this time I saw the certificate in teaching Singapore is really very good, but now I also really is a success, this is really very grateful to my father support for me, this is my dad because so it hard, but to get the certificate in teaching Singapore after the feeling is really worth it.



tokyo hotel

去了東京之後我最大的感受就是那麼多的人在東京玩, 那麼我們肯定要看看人家都在玩什麼,我們那個是就打算在tokyo hotel住,因為對於我們來說既然來了,那麼我們就住在tokyo hotel這樣的酒店吧,不然的話我們就要知道該怎麼去做了,我朋友們都說你是不是真的覺得有一些問題要你自己去解決,我說其實我有那樣的想法也是可以理解的心情,但是有的時候你看看我選擇住的tokyo hotel真的是那種很好的酒店,因為你住了之後就會覺得有不錯的感覺。但是要是我每次都在tokyo hotel住的話,我會覺得很是浪費。


I also know I usually work very busy, no time to accompany their children at home, so I always feel uncomfortable, because now the children also need parents to accompany, or really hard to manage, ah, so I had to call my husband, that I want to go home to see to see his son. My husband told me that it’s time for me to return home, and buy a Digimon with the child to go back, I was wondering how to go home to give their children to buy Digimon, my husband told me that this is the last time he was promised the children home, so he had to keep its promise, I think my husband it’s very reasonable, so I go home after my son must be very happy to see Digimon oh!

Preschools in Singapore

Right now my child to kindergarten, I think I give my child the choice of Preschools in Singapore, then she will also be very happy that she is so small, what all don’t know, certainly do not know how to choose what you want to do, so I must arrange for my children well, in fact, those who intend to choose a good school for their children, I think as parents are understandable, but still have to look at the situation of your own, your home situation if not how good, so choose not how good kindergarten can. So I think we really have to think about their own situation and then do, so you will have some plans.



日本 房地產

我當時購買房子的時候就聽我一個朋友說日本 房地產公司裡面的房子質量都非常的好,而且安保設備也是非常的好呢,當時就是抱著去看看的心態去了日本 房地產公司裡面呢,可是我當時怎麼也沒有想到這個日本 房地產公司會有那麼多套讓我一看到就心動的房子呢,如果不是自己的資金有限我估計我自己購買的就不只是這麼一套房子呢,後來我還把這個日本 房地產公司推薦給我的表妹,結果我表妹也如願的在這個日本 房地產公司裡面購買到了不錯的房子呢。

