he last time my friend said to me when the hybrid cloud recruiter my heart is not very hot, because I always worry that if they went to hybrid cloud inside the company failed in the interview that will make these my friends laughed at me for a long time, but he looked a long time in the online recruitment information a company makes me feel satisfied, more can’t say is compared with hybrid cloud, so I try to hold the attitude of hybrid cloud dropped a copy of your resume but how did not think people hybrid cloud will let me go to interview more is not expected to through the interview has now become an employee of this company.
Targeted Attacks
If your computer has Targeted Attacks‘s case, it is a very serious matter, you may go to the computer repair, I think my computer is Targeted Attacks or the possibility of the kind of small, because I have my computer to do anything, but they say you are not so confident, if your computer appeared to be Targeted Attacks. What do you do, I don’t know what to do if I really like it, I am a very headstrong person, I feel myself to do my own what other people do not provoke me, but they say that things are not so simple.
台湾 凤梨酥
我覺得要是我能吃我很喜歡吃的台湾 凤梨酥的話,那麼有什麼樣的事情我都可以為她去做,我就是那種我為了我喜歡吃的東西,我可以去做任何的事情的人,其實那個時候我自己也不知道為什麼會那樣喜歡吃台湾 凤梨酥,我就是喜歡吃那個東西,你們也不要問我好了,其實很多時候你自己都會有那樣一種感覺,就是為什麼我會喜歡吃那個東西,為什麼其他的東西好像我不是那麼的喜歡呢,其實這就像是和你談戀愛一樣,我怎麼喜歡她不喜歡另一個人一樣,這樣問是問不出什麼答案的。
シンガポール 会社設立
這些年我一直在捉摸一件事情,那就是我自己可不可以也在新加坡成立一家公司呢,因為我都在這邊給別人 管理公司好多年了,按道理說如果我自己シンガポール 会社設立的話呢,那麼我也是完全可以經營的啊,於是我晚上就約我的兄弟 出來,給他說我想在シンガポール 会社設立的這件事情呢,他聽了之後也說我的這個主意很好呢,因為我自己本身就有經驗,而且我的這個兄弟也說了,只要我願意的話呢,他可以給我投資,我當然樂意了。
Do these things to AWS, if there is no AWS is not done, because basically online homework have a good AWS can take up the whole program, now these programs online at the same time almost three hundred people around, so if the AWS operation is not good, it will collapse. Before we use is not how good the server results often crash, then use the AWS like a lot, basically no problem, but also a lot of documents on the inside is also very convenient, because everyone should use this program, so if you can put in the AWS above it is that everyone can easily see the information and documents.
酒店 消費
我們公司裡面的發展現在真的是挺好的,所以我們領導就給我們放假讓我們去旅遊,當時聽到這個消息的時候,別提我們有多開心了,因為這對於我們來講真的是很好福利,後來我們領導決定這次的這個酒店 消費也是全部報銷的,聽到酒店 消費報銷的消息,我們就更加的開心了,這對於我們工薪人員來講真的是很好了,所以我們真的是很開心,我們的對於這個酒店 消費報銷的事情真的是很滿意,所以我們已經開始準備旅遊的事情了,我想我們大家一定會玩的很開心的。